Xinyu Chen

Assistant Professor
Microelectronics Thrust
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)


W1-L4-407, HKUST(GZ)

I am an Assistant Professor of Microelectronics Thrust at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). Prior to joining HKUST(GZ), I held the position of Principal Engineer at Hisilicon, working on accelerator design for the next-generation DPU. I received my Ph.D. in computer science from National University of Singapore in 2022, where I was supervised by Prof. Bingsheng He and collaborated closely with Prof. Weng-Fai WONG and Prof. Deming Chen. For further details, please refer to my Resume and Google Scholar profile.

My research group, named as CLab, is primarily dedicated to develop sustainable computing solutions by harnessing the potential of hardware acceleration and system optimization.

Research Interest

  • Algorithm-architecture co-designed accelerator
  • FPGA-based hardware acceleration
  • Heterogeneous computing with FPGAs/GPUs/NPUs
  • System design and optimization


I am actively looking for self-motivated PhD students and research assistants with background in computer engineering, computer science or electronic engineering. Feel free to email me your CV and transcript if you are interested in joining us. :sparkles::wink:


Aug 22, 2024 Welcome Jiashu Zhang, Chenyu Zhang, Chenxi Xu, and Xingyu Chen to join CLab! :sparkles::clap:
Jan 22, 2024 Welcome Yonghao Chen to join CLab! :sparkles::clap:
Jan 11, 2024 Joined HKUST(GZ) as an assistant professor. :sparkles: